About Golden Rule Roofing

David Lapp grew up in a family that knew the value of demanding work and earning a trustworthy reputation. With a father who trained him in woodworking and construction, to roofing and carrying his share of the load David holds his traditional home life in high regard. “It made me the man I am today and helped me prepare for leadership and owning my own business.”

The family began with a swing set shop, building custom sturdy backyard sets for 24 years. During this time, David’s father realized another endeavor was essential during the slow season of winter. He started roofing and his sons joined in just as they had with construction. The swing set business “was sold in 2021 as Dad semi-retired”.

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Working for his dad and then brother, who took over the roofing business later, David decided after 7 years or so to start his own company. He now manages all roofing types, materials, products and both commercial and residential projects, aside from copper and slate, Golden Rule Roofing does it all.

“I look forward to a time when I can work with my own children, and even see my son take over the business one day.” David and wife Linda love spending time together outdoors, whether fishing, camping, or hiking; just being in nature brings joy and peace after the busyness of business. Staying grounded in what matters most helps us help our customers best.

David Lapp and the team at Golden Rule Roofing lives up to the name, “we treat you as we like to be treated, and view each customer as family, friend, and neighbor. We want to earn your trust and provide excellent value.”  Offering warranties and guarantees, providing insurance claims assistance if needed and customized maintenance plans that make sense for your commercial building.

Skilled, trained, experienced, we remain up to date on the most effective roofing techniques and products in the industry. We would like to grow even more and expand our business into other areas when the time is right, and we really look forward to working with you!